
The Michael Gilles Purgason Foundation was created to honor our friend, family member, and loved one. We would rather have him still be here with us, but there are also many good things that continue to come from his life, and we are eternally grateful that through the foundation we can accomplish great things in his name.

"Life is too precious to do anything but pour everything we have into the people we love..."

- Michael Gilles Purgason

The goals of the foundation are guided by Michael’s amazing life principals and by the love he had for science, medicine, the English language, and education in general. We hope to continue our efforts in carefully choosing worthy educational needs as the years go by.

The relationships we have forged through this beautiful endeavor and meaningful work is “a grace disguised”. The foundation will work diligently so that Michael’s legacy will continue.

Thank you for your interest in the Michael Gilles Purgason Foundation, and we would love your consideration in donating to this most worthy cause.